SQL proxies

These proxies are only used when the source is a SQL database. They build SQL queries, which are then executed by the SQLRequestExecutor module. They must therefore be placed between the source and the generic (source-independent) proxies.

Abstract classes

pydantic model crudcreator.adaptator.sql.proxy.AbstractSQLRequestProxy.AbstractSQLRequestProxy[source]

A type of proxy that manipulates SQL queries. These CRUD actions don’t return data, but SQLAlchemy queries.

field base: AbstractSQLEntityType [Required][source]

The type of entity to which the proxy plugs in and modifies behavior.

field interface: CRUDableEntityTypeInterface [Required][source]

The interface/schema of the entity type, as seen by the entity’s CRUD users.

field params: AbstractSQLRequestProxyParams [Required][source]

Parameters for customizing a proxy. It’s up to the AbstractProxyParams implementations to build as they should.

async create(
params: CreateParams,
) Insert[source]

Must return an “insert” SQLAlchemy request.


params (CreateParams) –

Return type:


async delete(
params: DeleteParams,
) Delete[source]

Must return a “delete” SQLAlchemy request.


params (DeleteParams) –

Return type:


async get_inspector() SQLColumnInspector[source]

Returns the inspector that will allow the various proxies to interact with SQLAlchemy tables and columns.

Return type:


async read(
params: ReadParams,
) Select[source]

Must return a “select” SQLAlchemy request.


params (ReadParams) –

Return type:


async update(
params: UpdateParams,
) Update | None[source]

Must return an “update” SQLAlchemy request (if an update is required). Otherwise returns None.


params (UpdateParams) –

Return type:

Update | None

pydantic model crudcreator.adaptator.sql.proxy.AbstractSQLRequestProxy.AbstractSQLRequestProxyParams[source]

Concrete classes


pydantic model crudcreator.adaptator.sql.proxy.SQLRequestConstructor.SQLRequestConstructor[source]

The first of the SQL proxies. This is the module that will create the query skeleton, from which subsequent modules will work.

Example of descriptor :

    "name": "SQLRequestConstructor",
    "params": {
        "read_distinct": false
field params: SQLRequestConstructorParams [Required][source]

SQLRequestConstructor proxy parameters.

async create(
params: CreateParams,
) Insert[source]

Builds a simple insert, whose list of SQL columns corresponds to the list of “dict_creator_value” fields given as parameters to the CRUD request.


params (CreateParams) –

Return type:


async delete(
params: DeleteParams,
) Delete[source]

Builds a simple “delete”, with a where clause on the ids given as parameters to the CRUD request.


params (DeleteParams) –

Return type:


async read(
params: ReadParams,
) Select[source]

Builds a simple “select” (or “select distinct”), whose list of SQL columns corresponds to the list of “list_read_field” fields given as parameters to the CRUD request.


params (ReadParams) –

Return type:


async update(
params: UpdateParams,
) Update | None[source]

Builds a simple “update”, whose list of SQL columns corresponds to the list of “dict_updator_value” fields given as parameters to the CRUD request. Adds the where clause to the ids given as CRUD query parameters. If all dict_updator_value values are set to None, i.e. if no column is to be to be updated, no query is returned (None is returned).


params (UpdateParams) –

Return type:

Update | None

pydantic model crudcreator.adaptator.sql.proxy.SQLRequestConstructor.SQLRequestConstructorParams[source]

SQLRequestConstructor proxy parameters.

field read_distinct: bool [Required][source]

Should select indicate “distinct”?


pydantic model crudcreator.adaptator.sql.proxy.SQLFilter.SQLFilter[source]

Transforms the filter instances in the CRUD query into “where clauses” and adds them to the SQL query.

Example of descriptor :

    "name": "SQLFilter",
    "params": {}
field params: SQLFilterParams [Required][source]

SQLFilter proxy settings.

async read(
params: ReadParams,
) Select[source]

Retrieves the next proxy select, then adds all where clauses that correspond to the filter instances given in the CRUD request.


params (ReadParams) –

Return type:


pydantic model crudcreator.adaptator.sql.proxy.SQLFilter.SQLFilterParams[source]

SQLFilter proxy parameters. No parameters.


pydantic model crudcreator.adaptator.sql.proxy.SQLSort.SQLSort[source]

Adds “order by” clauses to the SQL query.

Example of a descriptor, which will add “order by field_foo asc” and and “order by field_bar desc” to the SQL query:

    "name": "SQLSort",
    "params": {
        "list_field_to_sort": [
                "field_name": "field_foo",
                "type": "asc"
                "field_name": "field_bar",
                "type": "desc"
field params: SQLSortParams [Required][source]

SQLSort proxy parameters.

async read(
params: ReadParams,
) list[Any][source]

Retrieves the SQL query from the following proxy. Then adds the “order by” clauses before returning the result.


params (ReadParams) –

Return type:


pydantic model crudcreator.adaptator.sql.proxy.SQLSort.SQLSortParams[source]

SQLSort proxy parameters.

field list_field_to_sort: list[FieldToSort] [Required][source]

The “order by” list to add to the SQL query

pydantic model crudcreator.adaptator.sql.proxy.SQLSort.FieldToSort[source]

An “order by” to add to an SQL query.

field field_name: str [Required][source]

The name of the field on which to order.

field type: SortType [Required][source]

How to order?

class crudcreator.adaptator.sql.proxy.SQLSort.SortType[source]

How to order?

asc: str = 'asc'[source]

Order in ascending order.

desc: str = 'desc'[source]

Order in descending order.


pydantic model crudcreator.adaptator.sql.proxy.SQLPagination.SQLPagination[source]

Adds a “limit” and an “offset” to the SQL query, on option.

Example of descriptor :

    "name": "SQLPagination",
    "params": {
        "limit_option_name": "my_limit",
        "offset_option_name": "my_offset"
field params: SQLPaginationParams [Required][source]

SQLPagination proxy parameters.

async read(
params: ReadParams,
) list[Any][source]

Retrieves the next proxy select, then adds the limit and offset clauses (if the options are set).


params (ReadParams) –

Return type:


pydantic model crudcreator.adaptator.sql.proxy.SQLPagination.SQLPaginationParams[source]

SQLPagination proxy settings.

field limit_option_name: str [Required][source]

The option that specifies the “limit” value to be added to the SQL query.

field offset_option_name: str [Required][source]

The option that sets the offset value to be added to the SQL query.


pydantic model crudcreator.adaptator.sql.proxy.SQLRequestExecutor.SQLRequestExecutor[source]

Is the last of the SQL proxies. Is the proxy that will execute the query and return the result. The following proxies are generic proxies.

Example of descriptor :

    "name": "SQLRequestExecutor",
    "params": {}
field params: SQLRequestExecutorParams [Required][source]

“SQLRequestExecutor” module parameters.

async create(
params: CreateParams,

Retrieves the SQL query from the next proxy, then executes it.


EntityAlreadyExist – If SQLAlchemy raises an IntegrityError exception.


params (CreateParams) –

TODO: return the ids of the created entity.

async delete(
params: DeleteParams,

Retrieves the SQL query from the next proxy, then executes it.


EntityNotExist – If no entities have been deleted.


params (DeleteParams) –

async read(
params: ReadParams,
) list[Any][source]

Retrieves the SQL query from the next proxy, then executes it. Transforms the result into a dictionary list, then returns it.


params (ReadParams) –

Return type:


async update(
params: UpdateParams,

Retrieves the SQL query from the next proxy. If the query is set to None, there are no fields to update, so stop the CRUD here. Otherwise, execute the query.


params (UpdateParams) –

pydantic model crudcreator.adaptator.sql.proxy.SQLRequestExecutor.SQLRequestExecutorParams[source]

“SQLRequestExecutor” module parameters. No parameters.